Governing Board Policy
The board recognizes their responsibility to provide a safe environment where students and employees are free from unlawful and violent acts. Our purpose is to eliminate acts of violence, threatened acts of violence, use or possession of a weapon, assaulting, criminal conduct, gang activity, bullying, hazing, cyberbullying, or retaliation by and against Navigator Pointe Academy students and employees in or about the schools, school grounds, or school activities and events.
The board, therefore, delegates to school administration the responsibility of developing a school-wide plan that follows this policy.
The school’s responsibility is
1.1 To require student and employee conduct that produces a safe and civil learning environment; one in which the personal, civil, and property rights of all members of the school community are respected and protected.
1.2 To provide safe and civil school training, problem identification, reporting, and disciplinary processes for students and employees 1.3 To require parents and guardians of all students to assume proper legal responsibility for their students' behavior, and all employees to cooperate with school authorities in encouraging student self-discipline, discouraging behavior that is disruptive to the school’s educational program, and accepting disciplinary consequences for violations
1.4 To comply with state and federal laws.
2.1 “Arson” means the willful and malicious burning of any part of a building or its contents.
2.2 “Burglary” means breaking, entering, or remaining in a structure without justification during the hours when premises are closed to the public.
2.3 “Stealing/Larceny” means the intentional unlawful taking and/or carrying away of property belonging to or in the lawful possession or custody of another.
2.4 “Battery/Fighting” means the unlawful and intentional touching or striking of a school employee, volunteer, or student with the intention of causing bodily harm to that individual. The encouragement of others to do so would also constitute battery.
2.5 “Intimidation” means engaging in behavior that prevents or discourages another student from exercising his/her right to education through threats, coercion or force.
2.6 “Verbal Abuse” means using harassing, vulgar, or derogatory remarks towards another school employee, volunteer, or student.
2.7 “Criminal Mischief” means vandalism, graffiti, or destruction of school property or the property of others.
2.8 “Bullying” means intentionally or knowingly committing an act that:
2.8.1 endangers the physical health or safety of a school employee or student; involves any brutality of a physical nature such as whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or exposure to the elements; involves forced or involuntary consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance; involves forced or coerced actions or activities of a sexual nature or with sexual connotations; involves other physical activity that endangers the physical health and safety of a school employee or student; or involves physically obstructing a school employee’s or student’s freedom to move; and
2.8.2. Is done for the purpose of placing a school employee or student in fear of: a physical harm to the school student or employee; or harm to property of the school student or employee.
2.8.3.The conduct described above constitutes bullying, regardless of whether the person against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
2.9 “Hazing” means intentionally or knowingly committing an act that:
2.9.1. endangers the physical health or safety of a school student or employee; involves brutality of a physical nature such as shipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, bruising, electric shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or exposure to the elements; consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance; involves forced or coerced actions of a sexual nature or with sexual connotations; involves other physical activity that endangers the physical health and safety of a school employee or student; or involves physical obstruction a school employee’s or student’s freedom to move; and
2.9.2. is done for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, holding office in, or as a condition for, membership or acceptance, or continued membership or acceptance, in any school or school sponsored team, organization, program or event; or
2.9.3. if the person committing the act against a school employee or student knew that the school employee or student is a member of, or candidate for, the person committing the act belongs to or participates in.
2.9.4. The conduct described above constitutes hazing, regardless of whether the person against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
3.0 “Cyberbullying” means the use of email, instant messaging, chat rooms, cell phones, or other forms of information technology to deliberately harass, threaten, or intimidate someone for the purpose of placing a school employee or student in fear of:
3.0.1. physical harm to the school employee or student; or
3.0.2. harm to property of the school employee or student.
3.1. “Retaliate” means an act or communication intended:
3.1.1. as retribution against a person for reporting bullying or hazing; or
3.1.2. to improperly influence the investigation of, or the response to, a report of bullying or hazing.
3.1 A student may be suspended, expelled, or subject to other appropriate disciplinary action per school discipline policy, (a continuum of consequences will be utilized) when the school administration has determined that he/she represents a threat to the health and/or safety of other students and/or employees by:
3.1.1 Causing, attempting, or threatening to cause personal harm, damage to personal or school property, and/or disrupting school activities or transportation. Such actions include, but are not limited to, arson, burglary, stealing/larceny, battery/fighting, criminal mischief, intimidation, and verbal abuse.
3.1.2 Gang signing, wearing of bandannas, headgear, chains, or any article of clothing or jewelry bearing any gang symbols, names, initials, insignia, tattoos, or anything else which signals gang affiliation and/or is worn for the purpose of signifying gang membership.
3.1.3 Involvement in illegal activities, disrupting normal school proceedings, or inciting other students to disrupt school proceedings.
3.1.4 Inappropriate use of cell phones or other electronic devices during school. See Navigator Pointe Academy Personal Electronic Devices Policy.
4.1 Any student who, in the school building, on school property, or in conjunction with any school activity: (a) possesses, controls, uses, or threatens use of a real weapon, explosive, noxious or flammable material; or (b) actually uses or threatens to use a facsimile or look-alike weapon with the intent to intimidate another person or to disrupt normal school activities; shall be expelled from the school 4.1.1 The School Director may modify the suspension or expulsion requirement for a student on a case-by-case basis.
5.1 No school student or employee may engage in bullying a school employee or student;
5.1.1 on school property.
5.1.2 at a school related or sponsored event.
5.2 No school student or employee may engage in hazing or cyberbullying a school student or employee at at any time or in any location.
5.3 No school student or employee may engage in retaliation against:
5.3.1 a school student;
5.3.2 a school employee: or
5.3.3 an investigator for, or witness of, an alleged incident of bullying, hazing, cyberbullying, or retaliation.
5.4 No school student or employee may make a false allegation of bullying, hazing, cyberbullying, or retaliation against a school student or employee.
5.5 Navigator Pointe Academy encourages all victims of bullying, and all persons with knowledge of bullying, to report the incident(s) immediately.
5.5.1. A student who is a victim of bullying should inform his/her teacher/instructor or the school director. Any adult who is aware of bullying should inform the school director as soon as is reasonably possible after receiving the complaint and assist with the investigation.
5.5.2. An employee who is a victim of bullying may report to the School Director or the Human Resource Manager.
5.5.3. Anonymous reports may be made in writing and placed in a place where the complainant is reasonably certain that the school director will receive it (mailbox, desktop).
5.6 Each reported violation of the prohibitions noted shall be promptly investigated by the School Director, and/or reporting teacher, administrative assistant, Human Resource Manager.
5.6.1 Formal disciplinary action is prohibited based solely on an anonymous report of bullying, hazing and retaliation.
5.7. Verified violations of the prohibitions noted shall result in consequences or penalties which may include but are not limited to: 5.7.1 student suspension or removal from a school, or lesser disciplinary action; exclusion or loss of activities/privileges; alternate educational placement.
5.7.2 employee suspension or termination or lesser disciplinary action;
5.7.3 other action against student or employee as appropriate.
5.7.4 As appropriate, other actions include procedures for protecting the victim, retaliation precautions, reporting to law enforcement of actions that constitute suspected criminal activity, procedures for a fair and timely opportunity for the accused to explain the accusations and defend his actions prior to student or employee discipline, procedures for providing due process rights.
5.8 This policy may be distributed in registration materials, parent information packets, and other appropriate school publications. It may also be posted on the school website. A copy will be kept in the main office.
5.9 Navigator Pointe Academy recognizes the importance of educating its employees and students regarding the prevention of bullying, hazing, and retaliation. Notice of policy will be distributed and coaching provided for employees and students during CHAMPS and Safe & Civil School annual discussions.
6.1 When disciplining a student receiving special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, “Due Process for Students with Disabilities” will be followed. See Navigator Pointe Academy Student Conduct and Discipline Policy. REFERENCES S.C.R. 1 (2006) Resolution Encouraging School Boards to Adopt Policy Prohibiting Bullying